
Basking Shark Photo ID

  • Basking Shark Sighting

    Notch in top third of TE: TE very frayed and also quite curved in shape: Bumps/welts on RHS near TE

  • Basking Shark Sighting

    Image too dark to see features.

  • Basking Shark Sighting

    Very dark image

  • Basking Shark Sighting

    Notch in upper caudal fin

This community database has been created as a collaboration between a number of associated conservation projects, with the aim of efficiently storing Basking Shark dorsal fin images for use in photo-identification. Each organisation can upload sightings and images to the database, enabling us to compare images, which in turn will determine whether the same sharks are being seen in multiple locations (such as in Cornwall and the Isle of Man) or whether there are different sharks being sighted at each location.

Photo-ID is a non-invasive field technique that enables us to study sharks in their natural environment. It aids researchers in understanding life histories and shark movements as well as helping to provide us with an estimate of population size.

Basking Shark Photo ID allows you to search or browse your way to finding commonly seen basking sharks.

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